package main import ( "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "fmt" flag "" "time" ) var Version, Build string func main() { var help, update, verbose, proxyImages bool var configFile, dbfile, newFeed, export, password string var port, minutes int // config file flag.StringVarP(&configFile, "config", "c", "", "read configuration from file") // commands -- no command runs the web server flag.BoolVarP(&help, "help", "h", false, "print usage information") flag.BoolVarP(&update, "update", "u", false, "fetch feeds and store new items") flag.StringVarP(&newFeed, "add", "a", "", "add the feed at URL ``") flag.StringVarP(&export, "export", "x", "", "export feed. format required: text, opml, html, or json") // options -- defaults are set in config/main.go and overridden by cmd line flag.StringVarP(&dbfile, "database", "d", "", "sqlite database file") flag.IntVarP(&port, "http", "s", 0, "HTTP port to serve on") flag.IntVarP(&minutes, "minutes", "m", 0, "minutes between crawling feeds") flag.BoolVarP(&proxyImages, "imageproxy", "i", false, "rewrite and proxy all image requests for privacy (experimental)") flag.BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "verbose output") // passwords on command line are bad, you should use the config file flag.StringVarP(&password, "password", "p", "", "password to access web interface") flag.Parse() if help { fmt.Printf("neko v%s | build %s\n", Version, Build) flag.Usage() return } // reads config if present and sets defaults config.Init(configFile) // override config file with flags if present vlog.VERBOSE = verbose if dbfile != "" { config.Config.DBFile = dbfile } if port != 0 { config.Config.Port = port } if password != "" { config.Config.DigestPassword = password } if minutes != 0 { config.Config.CrawlMinutes = minutes } if proxyImages != false { config.Config.ProxyImages = proxyImages } models.InitDB() if update { vlog.Printf("starting crawl\n") crawler.Crawl() return } if newFeed != "" { vlog.Printf("creating new feed\n") feed.NewFeed(newFeed) return } if export != "" { vlog.Printf("exporting feeds in format %s\n", export) fmt.Printf("%s", exporter.ExportFeeds(export)) return } // go backgroundCrawl(config.Config.CrawlMinutes) vlog.Printf("starting web server at\n", config.Config.Port) web.Serve() } func backgroundCrawl(minutes int) { if minutes < 1 { return } for { time.Sleep(time.Minute * time.Duration(minutes)) crawler.Crawl() } }