package main import ( "" "" "" "" "" "" "encoding/xml" "fmt" flag "" ) func main() { var serve, update, verbose, printFeeds, opml bool var configFile, newFeed string flag.StringVarP(&configFile, "config", "c", "config.json", "`configuration` file") flag.BoolVarP(&update, "update", "u", false, "fetch feeds and store them in the database") flag.BoolVarP(&serve, "serve", "s", false, "run http server") flag.BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "verbose output") flag.BoolVarP(&printFeeds, "feeds", "f", false, "list all currently crawled feeds") flag.BoolVarP(&opml, "opml", "o", false, "export feed list as opml") flag.StringVarP(&newFeed, "add", "a", "", "add the feed at URL ``") flag.Parse() // no command if !update && !serve && !printFeeds && !opml && newFeed == "" { flag.Usage() return } config.Read(configFile) models.InitDB(config.Config.DBServer) vlog.VERBOSE = verbose if update { crawler.Crawl() } if serve { vlog.Printf("starting web server at %s", config.Config.WebServer) web.Serve() } if newFeed != "" { feed.NewFeed(newFeed) } if printFeeds { feeds, err := feed.All() if err != nil { panic(err) } for _, f := range feeds { fmt.Printf("%s\n", f.Url) } } if opml { feeds, _ := feed.All() fmt.Printf(`neko feeds`) fmt.Printf("\n") for _, f := range feeds { b, _ := xml.Marshal(f) fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(b)) } fmt.Printf(``) } }