package archive import ( "" "" "" "fmt" "path" ) var tagTmplName = "tag" /* Tag archive shows set of posts broken by tag Output goes to Config.HtmlDir/tag/{tag}.html */ type TagArchive struct { Posts post.Posts Tag string Site interface{} } func (ta TagArchive) Render() []byte { return render.Render(tagTmplName, ta) } /* TODO: make this configurable */ func (ta TagArchive) Target() string { return path.Join(config.Config.HtmlDir, "/tag/", fmt.Sprintf("%s.html", ta.Tag)) } type TagArchives []*TagArchive func ParseTags(posts post.Posts) *TagArchives { if !render.TmplExists(tagTmplName) { fmt.Printf("no tag template\n") return nil } var tas TagArchives // create a map of [tag]posts var tags map[string]post.Posts tags = make(map[string]post.Posts) for _, p := range posts { for _, t := range p.Tags { _, ok := tags[t] if !ok { var ps post.Posts tags[t] = ps } tags[t] = append(tags[t], p) } } for tag, posts := range tags { var ta TagArchive ta.Tag = tag ta.Posts = posts tas = append(tas, &ta) } return &tas } func (tas *TagArchives) Write() { for _, ta := range *tas { render.Write(ta) } }