/* snkt is a static site generator for simple blog-like sites with a focus on simplicity and efficiency. */ package main import ( "adammathes.com/snkt/config" "adammathes.com/snkt/render" "adammathes.com/snkt/site" "adammathes.com/snkt/vlog" "adammathes.com/snkt/web" "fmt" "github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify" flag "github.com/ogier/pflag" ) func main() { var configFile, init_dir string var build, serve, version, verbose, help, watch bool flag.StringVarP(&configFile, "config", "c", "config.yml", "`configuration` file") flag.StringVarP(&init_dir, "init", "i", "", "initialize new site at `directory`") flag.BoolVarP(&build, "build", "b", false, "generates site from input files and templates") flag.BoolVarP(&serve, "serve", "s", false, "serve site via integrated HTTP server") flag.BoolVarP(&help, "help", "h", false, "print usage information") flag.BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "log operations during build to STDOUT") flag.BoolVarP(&watch, "watch", "w", false, "watch configured input text dir, rebuild on changes") flag.Parse() if !watch && !help && !build && !serve && !version && init_dir == "" { flag.Usage() return } if init_dir != "" { fmt.Printf("initializing new site in %s\n", init_dir) site.Init(init_dir) return } if help { flag.Usage() fmt.Printf("code and docs: https://git.adammathes.com/snkt \n") return } config.Init(configFile) if verbose { config.Config.Verbose = true } if build { buildSite() } if serve { fmt.Printf("serving [%s] at [%s]\n", config.Config.PreviewServer, config.Config.PreviewDir) // run on goroutine so watcher can start and block if needed go web.Serve(config.Config.PreviewServer, config.Config.PreviewDir) } if watch { watchSite() } // run preview server perpetually if serve { done := make(chan bool) <-done } } func buildSite() { vlog.Printf("reading templates...\n") render.Init() var s site.Site vlog.Printf("reading posts...\n") s.Read() vlog.Printf("writing posts and archives...\n") s.Write() vlog.Printf("done...\n") } func watchSite() { watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher() if err != nil { panic(err) } defer watcher.Close() done := make(chan bool) go func() { for { select { case event := <-watcher.Events: if event.Op&fsnotify.Write != fsnotify.Chmod { fmt.Printf("rebuilding... ") buildSite() fmt.Printf("done\n") } case err := <-watcher.Errors: vlog.Printf("error: %v", err) } } }() fmt.Printf("watching %s\n", config.Config.TxtDir) err = watcher.Add(config.Config.TxtDir) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("watching %s\n", config.Config.TmplDir) err = watcher.Add(config.Config.TmplDir) if err != nil { panic(err) } <-done }