package render import ( "" "" "bytes" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "regexp" "text/template" ) var templates map[string]*template.Template var BASE_TEMPLATE = "base" var rel_href, rel_src, re_href, re_src *regexp.Regexp /* Renderable interface - objects that render themeslves to a []byte and know where they should end up in the filesystem */ type Renderable interface { Render() []byte Target() string } func TemplateNames() []string { templateNames := make([]string, len(templates)) i := 0 for tName, _ := range templates { templateNames[i] = tName i++ } return templateNames } func Write(a Renderable) { if config.Config.Verbose { vlog.Printf("Writing to %s\n", a.Target()) } os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(a.Target()), 0755) err := ioutil.WriteFile(a.Target(), a.Render(), 0755) if err != nil { log.Println(err) } } /* Initializes templates from config.TmplDir Templates are mapped by filename */ func Init() { templates = make(map[string]*template.Template) ts, err := filepath.Glob(config.Config.TmplDir + "/*") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } tmplFuncs := template.FuncMap{ "ResolveURLs": ResolveURLs, "SiteTitle": SiteTitle, "SiteURL": SiteURL, } base := path.Join(config.Config.TmplDir, BASE_TEMPLATE) for _, t := range ts { tf := filepath.Base(t) // Duly Noted: set funcs before parsefiles or you get no funcs // templates[tf] = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(t, base)) tx := template.New("t").Funcs(tmplFuncs) templates[tf], err = tx.ParseFiles(base, t) if err != nil { // temporary files can confuse this, especially when // running the file system watcher so we silently // ignore any templates that disappeared since we started // since this is usually not a real error condition delete(templates, tf) } } rel_href = regexp.MustCompile(`href="/(.+)"`) rel_src = regexp.MustCompile(`src="/(.+)"`) re_href = regexp.MustCompile(`href="(.*?)"`) re_src = regexp.MustCompile(`src="(.*?)"`) } /* Render fills the template "name" using data via the BASE_TEMPLATE */ func Render(name string, data interface{}) []byte { return RenderNameVia(name, BASE_TEMPLATE, data) } /* Render fills the template "name" using data */ func RenderOnly(name string, data interface{}) []byte { return RenderNameVia(name, name, data) } /* Render fills the template "name" using data through via (ex: BASE_TEMPLATE) */ func RenderNameVia(name string, via string, data interface{}) []byte { t, ok := templates[name] if !ok { log.Printf("can not find template named %s\n", name) } var buf bytes.Buffer err := t.ExecuteTemplate(&buf, via, data) if err != nil { log.Println(err) } return buf.Bytes() } /* Finds any relative links/images in html and resolves by adding prefix */ func ResolveURLs(html, prefix string) string { bts := []byte(html) bts = rel_href.ReplaceAll(bts, []byte(`href="`+prefix+`/$1"`)) bts = rel_src.ReplaceAll(bts, []byte(`src="`+prefix+`/$1"`)) return string(bts) } /* Finds all URLs that are hrefs TODO: replace noisy regex with HTML parser */ func FindURLs(html string) []string { // bts := []byte(html) hrefs := re_href.FindAllStringSubmatch(html, -1) var urls []string for _, href := range hrefs { urls = append(urls, href[1]) } return urls } /* Finds all img urls via img src tags TODO: replace noisy regex with HTML parser */ func FindImgs(html string) []string { // bts := []byte(html) srcs := re_src.FindAllStringSubmatch(html, -1) var imgs []string for _, src := range srcs { imgs = append(imgs, src[1]) } return imgs } /* Runs all regex filters specified in config.Config.Filters */ func Filter(txt []byte) []byte { for _, f := range config.Config.Filters { // TODO: only compile these once at init re := regexp.MustCompile(f.S) txt = re.ReplaceAll(txt, []byte(f.R)) } return txt } func TmplExists(t string) bool { _, ok := templates[t] return ok } func SiteTitle() string { return config.Config.SiteTitle } func SiteURL() string { return config.Config.SiteURL }