package site import ( "snkt/archive" "snkt/config" "snkt/post" "snkt/render" "io/ioutil" "log" "path" "sort" ) type Site struct { Title string URL string Posts post.Posts // all archives are optional based on presence of template Archive *archive.ListArchive Home *archive.ListArchive Rss *archive.ListArchive Paged *archive.PagedArchives } /* Read reads post data from the filesystem and populates posts and archives */ func (s *Site) Read() { s.Title = config.Config.SiteTitle s.URL = config.Config.SiteURL s.ReadPosts() if render.TmplExists("archive") { s.Archive = archive.NewListArchive(s.Posts) s.Archive.Site = *s sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(s.Archive.Posts)) } if render.TmplExists("rss") { s.Rss = archive.NewRssArchive(s.Posts) s.Rss.Site = *s } if render.TmplExists("paged") { s.Paged = archive.CreatePaged(15, s.Posts) } if render.TmplExists("home") { s.Home = archive.NewListArchive(s.Posts) s.Home.Tgt = path.Join(config.Config.HtmlDir, "index.html") s.Home.Template = "home" s.Home.Site = s } } /* ReadPosts reads all files from the Config.TxtDir, parses them and stores in s.Posts */ func (s *Site) ReadPosts() { // TODO: filter this as needed files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(config.Config.TxtDir) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, file := range files { p := post.NewPost(s) p.Read(file) // Ignore post-dated posts unless overriden in config if !config.Config.ShowFuture && p.InFuture { log.Printf("Skipping future dated post: %s\n", p.SourceFile) } else { s.Posts = append(s.Posts, p) } } // Sort the posts by date, earliest first sort.Sort(s.Posts) // Add next/previous to each post. // An allocated but empty post is set at start/end // This prevents templates from failing at start/end if nil checks are not made properly for i, p := range s.Posts { if i > 0 { p.Prev = s.Posts[i-1] } else { p.Prev = new(post.Post) } if i+1 < len(s.Posts) { p.Next = s.Posts[i+1] } else { p.Next = new(post.Post) } } } /* Write writes posts and archives to the filesystem */ func (s *Site) Write() { s.WritePosts() s.WriteArchives() } func (s *Site) WriteArchives() { if render.TmplExists("archive") { render.Write(s.Archive) } if render.TmplExists("rss") { render.Write(s.Rss) } if render.TmplExists("home") { render.Write(s.Home) } if render.TmplExists("paged") { for _, p := range *s.Paged { p.Site = s render.Write(p) } } } func (s *Site) WritePosts() { for _, p := range s.Posts { render.Write(p) } } func (s Site) GetTitle() string { return s.Title } func (s Site) GetURL() string { return s.URL }